
  • Laos 2023 population is estimated at 7,633,779 people at mid year.
  • Laos population is equivalent to 09%of the total world population.
  • Laos ranks number 103in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
  • The population density in Laos is 33 per Km2(86 people per mi2).
  • The total landarea is 230,800 Km2 (89,112 sq. miles)
  • 3 %of the population is urban (2,849,332 people in 2023)
  • The median agein Laos is 4 years.

The population of Xieng Khouang Province was estimated at 282,201 people, For Male about 144,043 people and Female about 138,158 people (in 5 July 2023). There are 476 Village in Xiengkhouang: Urban 62 Village, Rural with road 414 Village and the population practice agriculture and raise livestock. The Hmong migrated from China to Laos in the 19th century and usually occupy the high mountains practicing rotating agriculture and raising livestock.  In northern Laos, the Hmong are most populous in Xieng Khouang province (44, 04 %). And The second populous ethnic group in Xieng Khouang is Tai Phuan that comprise 40,46 % of the population. The Tai Phuan are classified as lowland Lao. They are traditional paddy rice farmers that supplement their livelihoods by fishing, collecting non-timber forest products and producing handicrafts. Other ethnic minorities include Tai (4,07%), Tai Phong (3,03%), Erdo (0,08%) and Khmu people (8,30%). Phonsavanh has a sizeable population of people from Viet Nam and China running small businesses.